The Summer School introduces to microsurgical, genetic engineering and morphological methods of experimental embryology and stem cell research. Students learn to deepen research skills by planning and carrying out microsurgical experiments.
June 09-13, 2025 Block Course (all day)
Credits und Anmeldung
The Summer School is open to students of human medicine as well as Bachelor’s and Master’s students of biology and stem cell research. Students can achive from 4 up to 12 ECTS according to their study program. Please contact your student advisory service bevor registration.
Registration takes place via the following Website (Contact form). After the registration deadline, please contact the lecturers Dr. Beate Brand-Saberi by e-mail ( in order to move up to free places if necessary. For application follow the link below.
Deadline for application April 15, 2025.
Die Summer School is offered by the Faculties of Human Medicine and Biology at the Ruhr-University Bochum. Conductive lecturers: Dr. Beate Brand-Saberi (Medicine) and Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiese (Biology).
Photo by Obi – pixel6propix on Unsplash