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Fighting Corruption by using Data on the Sustainable Development Goals

The Summer School aims to equip participants with the knowledge and the skills needed to collect, analyse and use governance data to monitor corruption and promote anti-corruption reforms across the Sustainable Development Goal framework. Students from various disciplines work with anti-corruption practitioners from Transparency International to foster innovative approaches to curbing corruption in sectors such as health, education, justice, water and sanitation and climate action. A key element of the course is the production of a “roadmap” to fight a specific corruption problem, using governance data with linkages to the SDG framework. The participants identify key players who can help to map out relevant indicators and datasets for assessing and measuring corruption, and come up with an advocacy strategy.


June 18, 2025 mandatory preparation session (presence, BF 4)
April 04-09, 2025, 9-17 h block course (presence, BF 4)

Credits und Anmeldung

The Summer School is open to Bachelor and Master students from all faculties. Students can achive either 3, 5 or 6 ECTS according to their study program. Please contact your student advisory service bevor registration.

For application, please use the online registration form on the Summer School Website. After the registration deadline, please contact the teaching staff (summerschool-ifhv@rub.de) regarding available places.

Application deadline June 11, 2024

Campus-Link for Bachelor- and Masterstudents (Modul im Optionalbereich)

The Summer School is offered by the Institut for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV) of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Responsible lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dennis Dijkzeul.

photo credit: UNICEF/UNI47339/Pirozzi