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36th European Summer School in Logic,Language and Information. 2025.

The Summer School covers a thematic cross-section of language and its information technology processing in the fields of language science, philosophy, informatic and cognitive science. It offers a free choice of seminars and workshops at different levels of knowledge in the field of Language and Logic, Language and Computation & Logic and Computation. Find a detailed program on the official website of the Summer School.


July 25 – August 08, 10-18 Uhr Block Course

Credits and Regisration

The Summer School adresses Bachelor- and Masterstudents as well als doctoral candidates. Students can achive either 4 or 6 ECTS according to their study program. A flexible creditation is possible concerning your study programm.Please contact your student advisory service bevor registration. A flexible creditation is possible in consultation with the lecturer Prof. Dr. Tatjana Scheffler.

For application choose at least three courses from the program in advance and clarify the choice with Prof. Dr. Tatjana Scheffler (tatjana.scheffler@rub.de) after registration. The registration takes place via course no. 050421 (see campus link below). After the registration deadline, please contact Prof. Dr. Tatjana Scheffler (tatjana.scheffler@rub.de) by e-mail in order to move up to possibly free places.

The summer school has a participation fee of 300 euros. Please contact Prof. Dr. Tatjana Scheffler (tatjana.scheffler@rub.de) by email for a possible assumption of the costs.

Application deadline 16 March 2025

Campus-Link for application (course no. 050421)

Die Summer School is offered by the Fakulties of Philologie, Philosophie and Informatic. Responsible for Organisation is Prof. Dr. Tatjana Scheffler (Fakulty of Philosophie).
