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Urgent Normative Challenges – Alternative Approaches: Climate Crisis, Migration, Populism, and Racism. Spring School 2025.

The Spring School addresses the normative challenges that arise in the course of social, economic and technical transformation processes. These challenges will be addressed in an interdisciplinary way in thematic blocks on climate change, migration, human rights, race-based inequality, and populism, and will be linked to political, economic, and legal approaches to solutions. is organized in the form of a conference.


tba Mandatory preparation session
April, 26 – 30, 2025, all day from 9-17 h Block course in presence

Credits und Anmeldung

The Summer School is open to Master students of the participating faculties as well as similar disciplines. Students can achive either 3, 5 or 6 ECTS according to their study program. Please contact your student advisory service bevor registration.

Registration takes place via Campus (module registration procedure). After the registration deadline, please contact the lecturer Dr. Reza Mosayebi (reza.mosayebi@rub.de) by e-mail in order to move up to free places if necessary. For application follow the link below

Deadline for application April 04, 2025.

Campus-Link für Masterstudierende (Modul im SVVZ Freier Wahlbereich Master)

Die Spring School is offered as part of the interdisciplinary Master’s program „Ethics, Economics, Law, and Politics“ (EELP) at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Conductive lecturer: Dr. Reza Mosayebi.

Photo by Obi – pixel6propix on Unsplash